Intestine disease on farmed shrimp (white feces, broken, empty intestines,..) and thoroughly treatment measures.
Common intestinal diseases in shrimp such as white feces disease, and broken, empty intestines … often occur in farmed shrimp after 1 month, the highest level occurs most in the period of 60 to 90 days old, causing great impact. If it is not prevented and treated in time, it will reduce the productivity and quality of cultured shrimp.
Reason of white feces, broken, empty intestines:
- Infected by Vibrio spp: when the water quality is poor, the density of Vibrio increases, entering the body and causing disease in shrimp. Most strains of Vibrio have the ability to cause disease, when entering the intestinal tract, the bacteria destroy the intestinal wall causing inflammation, shrimp can’t eat leading to an empty and broken intestine.
- Infected by Gregarine (2-cell parasite): Gregarine infection (2-cell parasite): when shrimp eat hosts of this Gregarine species such as bivalve molluscs, polychaetes, snails, etc., larvae will penetrate the intestines and develop into the adult form, live parasitically and attach to the intestinal wall. When the density of Gregarine is dense, it will clog the intestines, forming lesions in the intestinal tract, and creating conditions for opportunistic agents to attack and cause disease in farmed shrimp.
- Food:
– Shrimp eat food that is moldy, and infected with bacteria, causing shrimp poisoning
– Shrimps eat toxic algae in the pond such as cyanobacteria: these toxic algae will secrete toxins that paralyze the intestinal tissue epidermis, making the intestines unable to absorb food, weak and sick shrimp.
- Environment:
– The erratic weather such as prolonged rain and sunshine also makes shrimp weak, skip meals,… making the intestines empty
– Poor water quality: cloudy water, lots of dirty foam, dead algae, algae blooms, toxic gases… make shrimp stressed, eat poorly or stop eating.
When the shrimp’s intestinal tract is damaged and the functions of this organ are impaired, shrimp cannot absorb food, reducing shrimp health, along with the attack of opportunistic agents will make shrimp sick more seriously and die.
Although it does not cause mass mortality in a short time, it will make shrimp chronic diseases, difficult to treat. When shrimps are sick, they won’t eat, or catch prey and become stunted and weak; affecting the productivity and quality of farmed shrimp.
Treatment measures:
- Good control of water quality: periodic disinfection, treatment of the excess organic matter, pond bottom sludge, and toxic algae, regularly check dissolved oxygen concentration (>4ppm) preferably 5ppm (stimulating shrimp to eat healthily, grow fast, less sickness attack).
- Control feed quality and feeding amount: ensure clean food, and limit the amount of excess food causing organic pollution.
- Increase resistance and kill pathogens in the shrimp intestines.
- Use probiotics:
– Microbiological products: stabilize intestinal bacteria, increase the density of beneficial bacteria in the shrimp intestinal tract; specific strains of microorganisms specialized in inhibiting parasites; microbiological treatment of water and pond bottom.
– Enzyme preparations: enzymes to support digestion, enzymes to cut toxic algae, and treat organically polluted pond water.
Proposed Solutions of Thai Nam Viet:
Intestinal disease in farmed shrimp does not cause mass mortality, but it reduces shrimp quality and crop productivity. Therefore, it is necessary to either prevent the disease or detect and treat it promptly. However, the treatment should be quick and effective without affecting the subsequent growth of cultured shrimp. Using probiotics will help solve the target problem, ensure shrimp growth and health, limit damage, and improve productivity.